NO BULL......
It never ceases to amaze me just how smart animals really are.
They know more than we can ever begin to know. Case in point:
The missing bull.
It started with a call from a gentleman who lives about a mile
from where the farmer has a rented pasture of cows. There, he also had two bulls to
keep them company. Apparently, according to the man on the phone, one had
escaped the pasture and was resting on his lawn. As luck would have it, said bull could not
choose a "regular" lawn...oh no...he chose an estate lawn. This man has a
paved driveway longer than the road we live on. He has a lovely english tudor style home
larger than some english towns. Add the pool, the sparkling white fence that doesn't really fence anything in, a lake (not a pond), a playground that rivals that of a park and 6 figure landscaping. Yep, the bull had good taste. And so the saga began...
The farmer and the farmer jr. investigated and found that evidently, the two bulls had fought and the loser had been shoved through the pasture fence. I suppose he traveled through the woods until he found new digs that met his approval. There, he took up residence....and had NO intention of leaving. Everyday, farmer and farmer jr went to the estate first thing in the morning and chased said bull around for a while. Can't you just see the bull laughing and laughing even kicking up his heels as they gave chase? It was quite a sight.
Now, the farmer prides himself on his self control. He rarely gets mad. By the forth day, he was mad.
There were bull-sightings daily, but no bull. Each day, he gathered extra wranglers. Each morning he went, first thing. The bull enjoyed spending the heat of the day in the woods, so each evening after supper, the posse started the hunt again. Each day they returned empy-handed.
One night, I was pressed into service. In the past, the farmer has actually YELLED at me when trying to wrangle cows back into the fence, so I cringed at the thought. I had seen the vein on his neck and knew I was in for a tongue lashing as I am terrible at cow wrangling...really really bad. Thankfully this time I was only called to pick up the posse and return them to their trucks. They were tuckered out, and still no bull. As I left to return home, there stood the bull in the middle of the road looking at me. I slammed on breaks and sat very very still. He once again lumbered into the woods...I know I heard him laugh.
On the fifth day, they called in the big guns. Trucks, trailers, extra's always interesting when such a thing happens how EVERYONE knows what SHOULD be done, and they don't mind offering their opinions either. The farmer however, wasn't interested in opinions...manpower was what he wanted. He was taking no more chances. The thought of having to take out a loan to replace that expensive landscaping was giving him nightmares.
I'm happy to say, the bull was finally cornered and trailered. He looked around, realized he was done for, gave a final laugh and boarded the trailer without so much as a snort.
Everyone happy happy happy....and the farmer is once again resting easy.
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